Sat 14 May
Ecofeminist Perspectives on the Hydrocommons
A lecture by Margarida Mendes
What forms of bodily coalitions and planetary alliances can overturn hydrotrauma and the ripple effects of water politics? And how can different practices and modes of knowing contribute to water guardianship, while opening a paths for the much-needed healing of our bodies of water?
This lecture by Margarida Mendes weaves together the thought of various ecofeminist writers and activists that foster political action and mobilise the regenerative space of the hydrcommons. Addressing practices and creatives gestures that reclaim access to water sovereignty, this presentation debates how water ontologies have shaped different worldviews and modes of agency. While debating the distribution of aquatic resources and energy—as unevenly distributed by the partition of its governance—Margarida Mendes investigates how decolonial perspectives that depart from reciprocal relations with the Earth can counter state capture and reconcile communities. Rejoicing from the empowering forms of collectivisation and reconciliation that emerge from water alliances, she does this by introducing the work of Vandana Shiva, Sophie Lewis, Macarena Gómez-Barris, and Carolina Caycedo among others, exemplifying how ecofeminist tactics may be mobilised to reverse the effects of hydrotrauma.
Margarida Mendes is a researcher, curator and ecologist. Her research explores the overlap between systems thinking, sound practices, experimental film and ecopedagogies. She creates transdisciplinary forums, exhibitions and experiential works where alternative modes of education and sensing practices may catalyse political imagination and restorative action. Mendes was part of the curatorial team of the 11th Liverpool Biennale; the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial; and the 11th Gwangju Biennale and has co-directed several educational platforms, such as escuelita at CA2M, The World In Which We Occur/Matter in Flux, and The Barber Shop. She has been long involved in anti-extraction activism and ecopedagogy, collaborating with marine NGO Sciaena working on ocean literacy and campaigning against deep-sea mining. She is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London.
⌀ €0/€5/€10
⌀ Start and duration lecture: 20:00 – 21:30
⌀ Main language: English
⌀ Location: Reservoir Water Tower
⌀ Please note that the location is not wheelchair accessible